Keep your meetings organized and effective with meeting notes. Add an agenda, notes, and tasks for others to see and edit directly in Teams.If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify the Office of the City Clerk at (916) 808-7200 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. A list of fun corporate team building activities in Sacramento, CA to help boost employee morale and participation at work. Now requesting to speak at Sacramento County Board of Supervisors meetings is easier than ever with the new "RequesttoSpeak" system. In California, there are no statutory requirements for LLCs to hold annual meetings or keep formal meeting minutes. Use the buttons below to view upcoming and past agendas, minutes and videos, upcoming calendar and Zoom link, and public notices. CoC Board members and guests: a variety of job opportunities were shared. Details were provided in the chat. III. The Board meets simultaneously as the Board of Supervisors and as the governing board of all special districts having business heard this date.