Our goal is to congregate with AI enthusiasts from all over Salt Lake City to learn and practice AI tech, through tech talks, study jams, code labs etc. Using AI to capture meeting minutes involves automated transcription and summarization, allowing for realtime capture of discussions and decisions.Sembly records, transcribes and generates smart meeting summaries with meeting minutes. Works with Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and Cisco Webex. An AI assistant that records, transcribes, and creates personalized meeting summaries for you. Delegate note-taking so you can focus on the conversation. A spotlight on 50 tech companies using AI to bolster America's prosperity and security, spanning aerospace, defense, energy, manufacturing, and more. With mySLC, you can track your submissions and communicate with City Staff directly to ensure your needs and concerns are effectively and efficiently addressed. Corporate members and 3 telecoms members. 17 in Greenfield, Ind.