Board meetings are held in the Covington Chambers on the first floor of the County Government Center, located at 385 N. Arrowhead Ave. Brown Act writings received and distributed to the Board of Supervisors for items on the current meeting agenda.South Coast AQMD's Governing Board adopts policies and regulations that promote clean air within its four-county area, the smoggiest in the nation. The San Bernardino City Unified School District untilizes Board Docs for all meeting agenda and minutes. Board of Governors agendas and minutes are published for the current year. To request agenda or meeting minutes from prior years, contact the Executive Office. In 1879, the California State Board of Equalization (BOE) was established under the California Constitution to regulate. 385 N. Arrowhead Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92415. West Valley Water District External Affairs Committee Meeting at.