HELD ON THE18tuiDAY OF-dUJ4E'? Brown shared the upcoming Community Advisory Committee and Board of Trustee meetings schedule.The Texas Open Meetings Act was enacted to ensure the Texas government is transparent, open, and accountable to the people. Here, you'll discover everything you need to know about board meeting minutes and how to take them with examples and a meeting minutes template. For agendas, minutes, and video recordings of all JPS Board and Committee meetings, visit the Meeting Archive. Upcoming Community Advisory Committee meetings are listed at the bottom of your agenda. Regular Board Meeting Minutes can be viewed on the Board Meeting Videos page. ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Kenneth Schuck, 1616 Spring Rd, Marcia Tarrant, 1881 S Brooklyn Dr.,. Zoning application accepted for any plat, Zoning Board of Adjustment (BOA) approval for zoning variances.