At its core, the Texas Open Meetings Act requires government entities to keep official business accessible to the public. Only items posted in the meeting notice may be acted upon at a meeting.The Board conducts its meetings under Roberts Rules of Order Revised. The Tarrant County Commissioners Court, being the policy development and budgetary control unit of county government, has formulated a policy to review. In Tarrant County, each member of Commissioners Court serves as a liaison to a particular board or agency of the County such as the Hospital District. The Board may only officially act or transact any business of. Sec. 551.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Closed meeting" means a meeting to which the public does not have access. Any vacancy occurring in the board of directors shall be filled upon recommendation of the. Governance Committee. Doing so will not interfere with the Board's completing its business and adjourning its meeting at a reasonable time.