864. Meetings of the board of directors. A. The board of directors may hold regular or special meetings in or out of the Commonwealth.Regular meetings of the board of directors may be held without notice of the date, time, place, or purpose of the meeting. It is up to each board to organize its agenda. The 90th General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is meeting from June 19–25, 2024, at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington. This annual report on Form 10K contains "forwardlooking statements. At a congregational meeting, the church voted to combine Deacons and Elders into one board with one group of church officers. Personal property tax (also known as a car tax) is a tax on tangible property - ie, property that can be touched and moved, such as a car or piece of equipment. A meeting agenda… There is no prescribed "Order of Business" or agenda for boards of supervisors in Virginia. It is up to each board to organize its agenda.