This document is a chattel mortgage with affidavit of good faith between a mortgagor and mortgagee. Affidavit of Good Faith.Some of the new forms include: Defendant's Ability to Make Bail. Affidavit, Bail Condition Where Adult Is Alleged Victim, and an Allen Charge. Here, learn about Texas' different types of powers of attorney, including general, limited, durable, springing, and medical powers of attorney. "MCC Program Affidavit" means an affidavit in the form attached to the MCC Program. Good faith basis for objection. If after making a good faith effort, you are unable to establish ownership as stated above, complete the sworn affidavit (included with the application). Understand the legal requirements for executing a power of attorney and how to appoint an agent to make decisions on your behalf. Settlement Statement - Optional Form for Transactions without Sellers.