These Foreclosure Forms are for All Courts that preside over Residential Foreclosure Cases. Borrowers have a right to occupy their properties until the foreclosure process is complete.Doing so enables them to avoid the costs of mortgage, tax and home. The Answer is your response to the Summons and Complaint and tells the court your defenses or reasons why the mortgage Lender must not win the case. It discusses the essential requisites for contracts of pledge, real estate mortgage, and chattel mortgage. States should either completely abandon the power of sale method and require judicial foreclosure, or they should incorporate essential due process protections. Below is a selection of forms for various Franklin County Courts. Call the Franklin County Law Library at 614-525-4971 for assistance. In New York, all mortgage foreclosures are judicial foreclosures (meaning that the foreclosing lender must commence and prosecute a lawsuit). The cover sheet is part of the submitted land record and will be included in the calculation of recording fees.