The County of Los Angeles, Treasurer and Tax Collector provides a Mobile Home Tax Clearance Certificate, upon request, when a mobile home is purchased. OFFER: A. THIS IS AN OFFER FROM. ("Buyer").Call (800) 232-3908 to be connected with a mobile home loan expert. Manufactured Home Mortgage can help you get pre-qualified and on your way to home ownership! Title to the home must be in Fee Simple if classified as real estate and vehicle title is surrendered or must be treated as personal property or Chattel. First Pacific Financial is one of the leading Chattel loan lenders in California. 21st Mortgage is one of the top manufactured and mobile home mortgage lenders on the market. Due to this issue, the exemption may not appear on the current property tax bill for some accounts. Chattel Loans: Ideal for homes located in mobile home parks where you're purchasing the home but not the land. Start the mobile home loan application process, continue your application or launch the payment estimator to get started at 21st Mortgage Corporation today.