The documentation and forms required for titling a vehicle are based on the situation involving the vehicle, as described in the table below. The NC SAFE Act requires licensure or registration for individuals and companies who engage in the mortgage business or process and underwrite mortgage loans.The provisions of this section shall not apply to any foreclosure or repossession under a chattel mortgage or conditional sales contract or any judicial. Effortlessly find, pick, and fill out your form on the spot. Get your form submission-ready with this eSignature feature in this handy editor. Chattel is a term for movable personal property, such as a mobile home, car, or houseboat. The MVR-46G form is used to remove a manufactured home from vehicle registration files, certifying it as real property. How do I fill out the MVR-46G form? Chattel is a term for movable personal property, such as a mobile home, car, or houseboat. The online form is set up to collect the same data as the pdf form taxpayers currently fill out each month.