A chattel loan is a type of mortgage for a movable piece of personal property, such as a manufactured home. Go to our Forms catalog to get your Chattel Mortgage on Mobile Home.You can easily browse through our categories or use your search bar to get results. Where a traditional loan or mortgage involves the purchase of real property (land), a chattel loan only deals with movable personal property. This guide will help you understand the different types of loans, eligibility criteria, and the application process. Title to the home must be in Fee Simple if classified as real estate and vehicle title is surrendered or must be treated as personal property or Chattel. Are manufactured homes the same as mobilehomes? How are manufactured homes taxed in California? Where a traditional loan or mortgage involves the purchase of real property (land), a chattel loan only deals with movable personal property. If the land is noted in the mortgage then YES, they will take your land.