Form instructions are intended for paper forms. Electronic UCC filing parameters and instructions may differ from the below instructions.These forms are provided in a fillable PDF format, which allows you to enter data directly into the form using your computer and Adobe Acrobat Reader. (2) sells an account, chattel paper, payment intangible or promissory note. Rights after default; judicial enforcement; consignor or buyer of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles or promissory notes. Section 2210 - Delegation of performance; assignment of rights (a) Delegation of performance. If you are interested in electronic filing, please contact the Clerk of the Orphans' Court Office in your county to obtain an access code. Orphans' Court Forms. In the body of this Paper. Lisa Bernstein, Merchant Law in a Merchant Court: Rethinking the Codes Search for Immanent Business Norms, 144 U. PA. L. REV.