If the loan is not repaid on time, the lender can foreclose on and sell the property and use the proceeds to pay off the loan. Cascade offers loans for Manufactured homes in Sacramento, CA. Contact us today to get started on your Sacramento Mobile Home loan process!If you stop making payments on your mortgage, your lender can take possession of your home, in a process known as foreclosure. Forms. This booklet is a guide of the events and steps which occur in the foreclosure process and contains useful information about the. There are two ways to accomplish a commercial foreclosure in California: (1) nonjudicial foreclosure or (2) judicial foreclosure. If you already own the land your manufactured home will sit on and you default on the loan, the lender can only take the manufactured home in foreclosure. There are a variety of resources available in the Sacramento area for homeowners who are being, or at the risk of being, foreclosed on. Call us at (877) 869-7082 or complete your online application today! While the brief answer is "yes," the issue is a bit complicated, like many things in the real estate litigation world. Real Estate Fraud in Sacramento County?