In California, lenders can foreclose on deeds of trust using a non-judicial foreclosure process or a judicial foreclosure process. You can put a lien on that property so that if they ever sell or refinance the property you might get paid.To do this, you first need an Abstract of Judgment. The Enochs Law Group has represented clients in many non-judicial foreclosures throughout San Diego, so we know how to help our clients avoid these pitfalls. Forms to Complete Online and Print. A judicial Foreclosure offers some advantages to lenders, but it requires them to file a lawsuit in court and obtain court approval before selling your home. A deficiency judgment may be obtained only when the property is sold through a judicial foreclosure. By going to court (judicial). Whether the lender does one or the other depends on if there's a power of sale clause in the mortgage (or deed of trust). There's also a number of military bases in the state in the San Diego area as well as northern California.