It sets out the address of the mobile home, the term of the lease, and the amount of monthly rental. Rental homes must be inspected within 7 days of move-in.In condition report must be filled out within 3 days of resident movein. Here, we summarize resources to help you access rent payments, loans, foreclosure protections, and individualized assistance. On our website, you can view our properties, fill out an application and get in touch with our agents. MHVillage has the largest selection of new and pre-owned manufactured homes, communities and retailers, all in one place. Give us a call (828) 332-3029 to get your cash offer or fill out the quick form! Can I Sell My Mobile Home If Lot Rent Is Owed? What if I want to get someone out of my home, but we never signed a lease? For assistance with Electronic Plan Review, including setting up an account, contact Tim Richards or Kathryn Salisbury.