Complete the top portion including your name, address, and telephone number, the court address, the name of all the parties in the case, and the case number. The Restraining Order After Hearing (form DV-130) was filed on (date): b.I request that the court the personal conduct, stay-away, move-out orders, or other. If any participant in the conversation is unaware that they are being recorded or has not given their consent, it may be considered illegal. Intent. When submitting evidence, you must complete form LASC CIV 278 and use LASC CIV 279 mailing labels. PC 632 eavesdropping law makes it a crime to listen to or record private communications. California is a "two-party consent" state. How to Reschedule a Hearing or Trial: A Guide for Continuances. However, you must search for it. This is a First Amendment right.