Through the "BoardDocs" web site the public can view agendas and supporting documents associated with each School Board Meeting. The Fulton County Board of Education schedules several public meetings to discuss educational issues and act on items requiring Board approval.Access agendas and minutes from past board meetings in South Fulton. Any City of Fulton resident who is interested in serving on a city board or commission can fill out the form online here or obtain a paper copy at City Hall. Adoption of the Second Regular Meeting Agenda. 24-0587 Board of Commissioners. Board meeting agendas set the tone for how your meetings will be. Download our free board meeting agenda templates and get actionable tips! Any City of Fulton resident who is interested in serving on a city board or commission can fill out the form online here or obtain a paper copy at City Hall. Any vacancy in the membership shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the initial appointment.