The OMA does not require notice in the agenda of items that will be discussed in closed session. Public Notice of Meetings. What?Notice and Agenda (agenda alone will suffice). Where? The notice must contain an agenda for the meeting and discussions are restricted to those items listed on the agenda or reasonably related thereto. The agenda should outline the items to be discussed or voted on during the meeting. But several points of note: it is always preferable to combine the Agenda with the posted Meeting Notice, which shows the time, place, and date of the meeting. An agenda must be included in the notice for any special, rescheduled or reconvened meeting. A meeting agenda shall accompany the notice. Individuals wishing to address the Board or a Committee or record a Board or a Committee meeting are asked to sign in prior to the start of the Board meeting. Requests to address the Board are accepted until 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting.