The Board's Transcripts are available at the Los Angeles County's portal in Microsoft Word and PDF format. For regular meetings, the agenda must be posted 72 hours in advance.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the Local Initiative. Members of the public are encouraged to use this form for public comment. A form of notice and agenda of a meeting of the board of directors of a California corporation. A form of notice and agenda of a meeting of the board of directors of a California corporation. Agenda items that involve relatively simple administrative decisions are grouped in the "Consent Calendar". The agenda for each regular meeting of the Board shall be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting. Agendas are posted the Wednesday before the scheduled meeting, with revised version posted on the Thursday before the meeting if necessary. The Vice-President of the Board shall act as the presiding officer and Chair in the absence of the President of the. Commission.