As United States Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis famously said, "Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants. Commissioners Meetings are held every Tuesday of each month at AM. Meetings are sometimes cancelled due to holidays or other circumstances.Agendas and Minutes - CPA. Agendas. Maryland State Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. Main_Content. The Planning Board's role is to guide the orderly growth and development of the County through the approval of development plans. In this meeting, directors approve initial corporate documents and ensure officer roles are filled. Maryland State Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. Read Section 11B-111 - Meetings of homeowners association or its governing body, Md. Code, Real. Prop. Welcome to Washington County, MD, the perfect blend of city and country life! 2013 Maryland Code REAL PROPERTY § 11B-111 - Meetings of homeowners association or its governing body.