The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.CS §§ 701-716, requires agencies to deliberate and take official action on agency business in an open and public meeting. These are the materials from the Administrative Board's monthly meetings.Name, Description, Released, Format. The document provides a draft agenda and resolutions for the first board meeting of a private company under the Companies Act 2013. Board meeting agendas set the tone for how your meetings will be. Download our free board meeting agenda templates and get actionable tips! Our meeting platform allows you to search archived and upcoming regular Board and special meeting information (Files, location and videos) in a click. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) consists of twelve members--the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Shared Photo Library is the best way to seamlessly share the photos and videos you want with up to five other people. Laura M Mercer-Rosa, MD, MSCE, is a board-certified attending cardiologist in the Cardiac Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.