Scheduled Council meeting. 15. 1. Meeting Information, Public Meeting Rules, How To Provide Comment During Meetings, Accessibility and Accommodations, Getting Here and Parking(ii) provide at least three hours' notice of the special meeting. (c) The municipal recorder or clerk shall serve notice of the special meeting on each council. Council meetings are held in a hybrid meeting format. Hybrid meetings allow people to join online or in person on the 3rd floor of City Hall. If you wish to address the City Council during a regularly scheduled meeting, you are asked to complete and submit a City Council Meeting Speaker Request Form. The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at pm, but meeting dates are subject to change or cancellation. Click on the links below to see the agendas, packets, recordings, and minutes of City Council meetings as they are approved. City Council Agendas and Minutes, including audio recordings, are stored on the Utah.