Before making an offer of a buyout agreement, complete the top portion of page 1 of the. Buyout Agreement Disclosure.In lieu of making Temporary Relocation Payments, a landlord may offer the tenant a comparable rental unit in the City of Alameda. What Wait Lists are opening? Complete, sign, and submit your employment acceptance forms to Sandia HR. The employment acceptance documents will be sent to you as part of the offer package. Board letter for approval using the information in the finding memo. Much of Alameda Point was tidal marsh and subtidal before it was filled to create the Navy base. 1.01 The Alameda County Water District (hereafter referred to as the "District"), recognizes. 735.2929 or 711 to use the California Relay Service. • In writing: Fill out a complaint form or write a letter and send it to: Alameda Alliance for Health.