The internship offer letter should include the start and end dates of the internship, as well as the number of working hours per week. For internships that do not already have a designated course number, register in the supervising department (e.g., ECON, PSYCH…) and use the course number "529. Found the perfect candidate to hire? We've got 7 types of job offer letter templates to choose from that'll help you seal the deal. This program is designed to provide substantive learning experiences in a foreign affairs environment. The Lunchtime Learning Lecture Series – Guest speakers offer valuable information on topics related to internships and careers. ✓ TIMING AND FOLLOW-UP – Do not offer your list of references until asked. The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act requires businesses in the Commonwealth to buy workers' compensation insurance. You can edit your Application On-File at any time to keep it up-to-date.