To create an applicant account, go to Career Pages website and click on the Sign In tab, and then Don't have an account? Step One: Print the application, and the Pre-Employment Investigation, a total of 15 pages.This guide describes how to apply for jobs using the Career Page web site. The process consists of the following steps: You fill out the job and skills section in the online application so I wouldn't worry too much about the actual formatting on your resume. List your work history for the last 10 years including volunteer, parttime, temporary, selfemployment and military jobs. Important Instructions for completing the application: • Please TYPE or PRINT in INK. I've applied twice for them and gotten 2 rejection emails. The jobs were easily something I could of done. I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 20 and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining XYZ Corporation in Chicago.