To enroll your child in school, you will need to locate a school, provide residency documentation, and get your child all state required immunizations. We've taken some of the most frequently asked questions from students and created a guide to help you through the process.At Northside ISD students are offered an education which honors their voice and prepares them to engage, contribute, and succeed. Effective December 16, 2024, our department will no longer be accepting new applications for Utility Assistance. Yes. No. If yes, please briefly describe the nature of your presentation. The Financial Aid Offer Letter explains all the steps required to complete your financial aid application. Fill out and submit the Financial Aid Acceptance Form within two weeks of receipt of your Financial Aid Offer Letter. For a free version of Acrobat Reader, please click on this logo. Complete list of Texas Comptroller Property Tax Forms and Applications click here. Please fill out the form below and click Submit to submit your application for consideration.