In this article, we discuss how to write a job offer acceptance letter and also present a template and sample letter to help you get started. A job acceptance letter lets you outline the details of the job so that you are clear about your role in the company prior to your joining.A Letter of Completion may be issued for minor alterations that do not require a new or amended Certificate of Occupancy. Plaintiff must submit his or her detailed affidavit of facts together with proof of service of the legal papers upon defendant(s). The completed typewritten form must be filled out correctly prior to emailing your request. Incorrectly filled forms will be rejected. This pamphlet is intended to provide Employers and Employees with general information about their employment rights and responsibilities in New York State. A process server can be paid to serve the papers. Process servers are listed in the Yellow Pages or on the internet. Can I use a Marriage License obtained in another part of New York State in the City of New York?