Pay the fine and accept points, if applicable to the violation. List of all available electronic forms needed during the admissions and registration process.If you would prefer to complete all required forms electronically, please access the Back to. In cases where the list is lengthy, then a list can be prepared on a separate sheet marked Exhibit "A" and the words "see Exhibit "A" attached. • Complete an online application for admission. For students who enter Broward and have had immunizations in the last year, transcribe the information to the 680 Form. 2. Volunteering lets you make a difference in the lives of those in need, whether you're fulfilling hours or simply giving your time, Broward Health is here. We keep the filled-out application form, academic credentials, foreign nursing licenses and verification for one year only. 1) your name and position on the Board 2) the nature of the conflict and 3) who will gain or lose as a result of the conflict. It is reported in the same manner, at the same time and subject to the same penalties as are political committee expenditures.