Note: This form must be completed and submitted to the school on an annual basis, regardless of the chosen option, WITHIN 10. You will be required to fill out a "Defendant Request Form".This request will be forwarded to the presiding Judge for review. The Broward County Records, Taxes and Treasury Division: places or "records" official documents, such as deeds, into the Official Record. Shall the Broward County Charter be amended to remove the prescribed membership categories for the Broward County Housing Council (Council), to. For students who enter Broward and have had immunizations in the last year, transcribe the information to the 680 Form. 2. Complete an online application for admission. Volunteering lets you make a difference in the lives of those in need, whether you're fulfilling hours or simply giving your time, Broward Health is here. The owner of the property must sign the application (which will be confirmed in the Broward. County Property Appraiser). or. 2.