You are required to complete the Scholarship Acceptance Form, which includes a short biography, your picture, and a thank you letter to the scholarship donor. In this article, we explain what to include in an acceptance letter and how to write one, then share a template and example to use as inspiration.Below is our Admitted Student Checklist, which will guide you through the next steps of the enrollment process. The following sample recommendation letters for students will help you better define how a winning letter should sound. Easily create a polite response to college acceptance letters with our customizable templates. Applying for Graduation Submit Graduation Application form no later than the last day of schedule adjustment of the semester in which you plan to graduate. Homework assistance will be provided to students in the Before and After School Child Care Programs. HOURS. Letters of recommendation help us understand who you are both in and out of the classroom. A student must be 6 years of age on or before August 1st and completed kindergarten to be enrolled in first grade. While a likely letter is not an official acceptance, it is a very promising signal that you will receive good news from the college soon.