List experience that relates to the qualifications as required on the job announcement. No. You must submit a completed application for each position you are interested in.Many agencies no longer accept paper applications. You can contact the organization or visit their website to check if they will accept a paper application. Explain that you accepted a job offer, that the acceptance was in writing, and say who sent you the offer. Position Details: Thank you for your interest in applying for the tenuretrack Counseling faculty position in the This Request for Vendors (RFV) is an open, competitive online application process to become a pre-qualified vendor with First 5 Contra Costa. Position Details: Thank you for your interest in applying for the tenuretrack faculty position in the Counseling area at DVC! Through in an attempt to obtain employment in the Contra Costa Community College District. I've applied to roughly 50 jobs in the past two months and would estimate that of those 50, maybe 7 actually responded with a rejection email.