Official Forms for Viewing and Downloading. This catalog serves as a contract between you, the student, and Contra Costa College.That contract is valid as long as you are continuously enrolled. Completed forms are to be filed with the Elections Division, and shall be retained for public inspection until 30 days after the election. Access forms available from the Assessor's office, including benefits, business personal property, change in ownership, and other general forms. 3. The committee issues which may require changes in the collective bargaining agreement must be submitted to the parties for final approval. â–» Focused and ambitious actions are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve community resilience, and adapt equitably to a changing climate. The catalog provides essential information about the programs, courses, services, rules, and regu- lations of Contra Costa College. Items in green type are required. The form is in PDF format, can be filled out electronically and saved.