Many companies now use computer algorithms to look for key words in your resume and will automatically accept or reject you at the first step. Call or email the person who made you the written offer.Say that you're following up and want to make sure they received your reply accepting the position. Forms and applications for general courts, protection orders and garnishment. Explain why you want the job. Demonstrate an understanding of the position the County has to offer. When you submit the letter through the website, it will be emailed first to the SOTC Executive Director who will then forward it to the applicant. If you wish to be considered for future job openings with the City of Hudson, you must fill out another job application in response to that specific job. You will also be sent an official letter of acceptance along with enrollment information. Share. 216-987-6000. By using the Services, you represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with us.