In this article, we discuss how to write a job offer acceptance letter and also present a template and sample letter to help you get started. A sample letter offering a job contingent upon the results of a background check or other criteria.We provide seven job acceptance email templates to help you craft the perfect response, ensuring a formal acceptance of the position. You've landed the job, but now you're wondering how to respond or write an acceptance letter. Here's a guide on how to accept a job offer. I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 20 and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining XYZ Corporation in Chicago. Learn how to write a professional job offer letter acceptance mail reply with joining date with an easy format and practical samples. A job acceptance letter lets you outline the details of the job so that you are clear about your role in the company prior to your joining. Thank you for this exciting opportunity. I extend my gratitude to you for offering me the position of {Title} in {Company's name}.