The following information will assist you in applying for jobs with Fairfax County. You may also download this helpful brochure to assist you.How should your write an offer letter for a job candidate? You can submit this letter when applying for various open positions in a restaurant, such as a restaurant manager, cook, server, or dishwasher. Free and Reduced Lunch Procedures. Homeless students are entitled to Free and Reduced Breakfast and Lunch and DO NOT need to fill out the regular application. Instructions for completing the BPOL application are contained in the BPOL Instructions Sheet. To begin the student visa application process, the student must be accepted into an SEVP-approved school in the US and receive an Acceptance Letter. Our hotel in Fairfax makes you feel right at home with warm, open common areas, friendly staff, and oversized suites. Our robust event calendar is teeming with upcoming events and things to do in Fairfax County and the greater Washington, DC area.