Use our self-service options on this website to pay your taxes or make a phone or video appointment at your convenience. Forms related to the eligibility process, the reevaluation process, and the Individualized Education Program (IEP).All AAP forms are available below along with the purpose of the form, who completes the form, and the deadline. The Zoning Division issues Zoning Permits and coordinates plan approvals related to use and development of residential, commercial and industrial properties. Completely fill out the statement on return envelope. Can I view my bill online? We are a part of the Fairfax Family Practice Centers, an Inova Partner, which have many offices throughout Northern Virginia. Fill out the intake form and have your login credentials sent directly to your inbox. Congressman Gerry Connolly has two offices to serve you: our office on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC and our District Office in Fairfax. Congressman Gerry Connolly has two offices to serve you: our office on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC and our District Office in Fairfax.