The first thing you should put on your job acceptance letter is the date. Include it underneath the header close to the top of your letter.A letter in which you confirm that you agree with all the terms and conditions of your new job and are ready to embark on it is called an acceptance letter. A sample letter offering a job contingent upon the results of a background check or other criteria. A counter offer letter is a physical letter or email candidates send to an employer when they want to negotiate the terms of a job offer given to them. Federal law requires that all employees complete an electronic I-9 verifying their eligibility to work in the United States. Access job postings or job descriptions, click on Administration in the Recruitment Tile. I am returning to Orlando to complete my final year at the University of Central Florida, where I am majoring in French and economics. Write a short message explaining that you accept the offer and enclose a formal acceptance letter in the attachments. Academic HR. Faculty Appointments.