While filling out the FAFSA you will need to enter Franklin University's school code in order for us to receive and process your FAFSA after you submit it. Once we receive a complete application, including all supporting documents, we will deliver an admission decision in 3-5 weeks.You will have two kinds of materials with which to work: a File and a Library. Big Goals Require Collective Action. Since I joined FranklinCovey in 2000, I've spoken with hundreds of leaders about their most important challenges. In re Franklin Aces. UNH Law will accept no more than three recommendations per applicant. Recommendations may be in the form of a letter or evaluation. Edward Eggleston first attributed this letter to Franklin in a note to John Bigelow, who accepted it (Works, II, 217 n). UNH Law will accept no more than three recommendations per applicant.