Be polite, don't make up reasons. Just tell them you regret to inform them that you can't take the position.Discover what rescinding a job offer means, the potential legal ramifications of this move and how to professionally inform candidates. You can not be hired because of what is on your criminal record. Learn what a withdrawal letter is, how to write a letter of withdrawal and see a template and an example to help you write your own. Generally, companies do not withdraw written offer letters for no reason; omitting their explanation prevents any kind of meaningful answer. If you do not want to participate in any Overdraft Elect Plan please fill out the form on our Overdraft Services page, call us at 1.800. After careful consideration, I would like to withdraw my application for the job. To create an applicant account, go to Career Pages website and click on Sign In. Under the Sign In button, click Don't have an account? Job offer rescinded or withdrawn?