In this article, you'll find guidelines to help you create your own letters along with offer letter templates you can use to hire people more quickly. The first step of the process is to write a reply letter (or email, if that's how your offer was sent) to ask for your desired salary.Employment Offer Letter Instructions. Here, you'll find guidance on constructing and tailoring an employment offer letter template to align with your specific requirements. Knowing how to accept a job offer is key. Thank the recruiter, review the offer and follow up with questions and a counter offer before accepting the offer. In the formal offer letter, provide comprehensive details about the position, compensation, benefits, and other pertinent terms. Then, you can briefly reiterate any key terms of the offers, including the salary negotiation or any conditions that you have agreed upon. Creating the Offer Letter Below, please find guidance around creating and extending a GA offer letter and adding the GA to grad payroll. I extend my gratitude to you for offering me the position of {Title} in {Company's name}.