You can fill out forms and sign documents that you receive on your iPhone. After you complete a form, you can add your signature and share it with others.Call ebtEDGE Customer Service at 888-997-2227 immediately to request a new card. It will take about 5-7 business days to get the new card in the mail. Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides online access to Minnesota state district (trial) court records and documents. The My Minnesota WIC App can be used to instantly check if a food item is WICallowed and easily find WICallowed stores nearby. A quick and easy way to scan and send documents using the Notes app in your iPhone. Learn what steps to take if your identity documents were rejected. For example, you may have submitted an ineligible document or the document was unreadable. It should be at least 8 characters consisting of at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number.