The process consists of the following steps: Create an Account. All Hillsborough County public schools and district offices will be closed Monday, December 23 through Friday, January 3, for winter break.EPC Permitting Guide - Please contact Wetland Staff at 813-627-2600, ext. If you have insurance, you should file a claim with your insurance company immediately. A resume's primary function is to showcase your talents and skills to an employer-clearly, convincingly and quickly. No significant changes shall be made to the approved plans without Planning Department approval and revisions to the permit(s). 5. Dual enrollment and early admission students are able to earn credit toward a degree while in high school. Using volunteer or short-term positions can help fill in the dates while providing current and important skills. This database is current and includes only permit information for all approved building permits. Learn the steps to filling out your I-9 for your first on-campus job.