In this article you will find out how to generate a Confirmation of Study letter to prove your student status. Watch the video or read the full article below.First, find out the correct formal form of address for the king: His Royal Majesty; His Majesty the King of…, etc. A letter to his most Excellent Majesty, George the third, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, and Emperor of North America. Your Hogwarts Acceptance Letter will arrive addressed specifically to the lucky individual, printed in the same shade of green as Harry Potter's own Acceptance Letter, inside an exclusive Hogwarts Presentation Wallet. During your studies. I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 20 and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining XYZ Corporation in Chicago. First, find out the correct formal form of address for the king: His Royal Majesty; His Majesty the King of…, etc. The PDF version of these forms are FILLABLE. It is recommended that you submit your letter of application for nominations immediately after you complete your preliminary application.