You must submit a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) to officially accept your admission offer. If not completing the fillable on-line version of this application, please fill out this application carefully in ink.It is our great pleasure to offer you admission to UCLA for the Fall Quarter 2021. These basic sample offer letters consist of "core" data that should be included in an offer letter. Explain that you accepted a job offer, that the acceptance was in writing, and say who sent you the offer. Zoning Verification Letter Application. Many forms are mandatory, meaning the court will only accept this form if you want to do certain things. Got the call from the LA personal Department and the lady told me I will receive the offer letter in 2 days and paperwork to fill-up. When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered. You can create your own request for admissions or use Requests for Admission (form DISC-020).