Use a simple format for the resume you put in the body of the email: left justified, no bold, no italics, no underlines, no tabs . You've landed the job, but now you're wondering how to respond or write an acceptance letter.Here's a guide on how to accept a job offer. View this cover letter with annotations and tips to help structure and write your next cover letter. Below are resources to help you write your résumé. Review our College Résumé Sample and use our Résumé Review Guide to evaluate how to improve your résumé. As stated in the offer letter, I accept the starting salary of (Salary), and I understand that benefits will be made available to me after (X) days. Avoid personal pronouns (I, me, my) or complete sentences. Examples of Job Objective Statements: RESUME TIP. We provide several examples throughout this Guide to illustrate the recommendations we describe.