The first email acceptance letters will go out the week of June 16, 2025, and email offers will continue to be sent until all CEP-designated seats are filled. The Treasurer accepts e-Check payments through this Web site with no service fee charged to you.Discover what you need to know about the Financial Aid Verification process, how to determine if you've been selected, and how to get assistance. Arizona Out-of-County Residence Affidavit (PDF). This establishes a basis for state and city tax deductions or exemptions. This Staff Policy Manual ("SPM") contains employee policies ("policies") of the Maricopa. The Department's Concealed Weapons Permit Unit (CWPU) is responsible for issuing concealed carry permits to qualified individuals. For questions about balance due, previous payments, or payoff amount, contact the Clerk's Office at 6023725375 Mon Fri 8 AM to 5 PM MST. The Great Arizona Sharpie Conspiracy ran dry. Cries of bias, "green button" errors and glitches in the tabulation equipment have gone nowhere.