Form required of new employees to verify identity and employment eligibility can be filled out online and saved or printed. This may involve negotiating the terms of the offer, signing an official offer, and sending a formal acceptance letter via email.The following information provides a walkthrough for a candidate applying for a job within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Dear Ms. Gray: I am writing to formally accept your job offer and tell you once again how pleased I am to be coming to work at Orange Center. Find out how your state defines "suitable employment", then determine the "prevailing wage" of your occupation. Employment Offer Letter Instructions. To apply for weekly benefits I need to submit 3 work related searches in order to collect. I remain very interested in the work that you do, and hope that you will consider an application from me in the future. How do you politely accept a job offer via email? You want to convince the reader that your interest in the job and company are genuine and specific.