Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County. All documents must be pre-printed with the name and Mecklenburg County address of the student's parent, legal guardian or sponsor and presented at registration.The complete Small Commercial process — permitting, plan submittal, and plan review — can be accomplished from your computer. The Mecklenburg County Clerk of Superior Court Office is open to the public between the hours of am and pm, Monday through Friday. Yes, you must fill out the juror information form and detach it from the bottom of the summons. You must mail in the completed form to us within 5 days. If you are not a current NC High School student you will fill out our free Belmont Abbey Online Application. Customer Connection is the main call center for the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services. Must I respond to my jury duty summons? Yes, you must fill out the juror information form and detach it from the bottom of the summons.