Fill out the following forms: Motion. Certificate of Service. 1. 2. 3.Pursuant to the statute, this form gathers information about the contractors seeking to qualify for the work and provides the prequalification criteria. 1. Fill out the Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property of Decedent (AOC-E-203B). 2. INTRODUCTION: These guidelines are provided to assist Brokers and attorneys who are completing the Offer to Purchase and Contract—. All documents must be pre-printed with the name and Mecklenburg County address of the student's parent, legal guardian or sponsor and presented at registration. Names and addresses are necessary for all persons involved in the crash, including non-motorists, as well as motor vehicle occupants. This will help later. Pursuant to the statute, this form gathers information about the contractors seeking to qualify for the work and provides the prequalification criteria. The terms collision, accident, and crash are synonymous when describing a motor vehicle crash.