Returning students do not pay the application fee. A completed MDC international application for admission.Get a list of Product Approval forms, as well as guidelines, checklists and more. If you sign up they just ask for your High school transcripts and they will just make sure you meet the minimum requirements. Upvote All applications must adhere to the state's "Application Process Overview" which provides clear guidelines in submitting an application. Students interested in attending a Magnet program must complete and submit a Magnet application. Complete a Miami Dade College application as a prospective School for Advanced Studies student. We have outlined a step-by-step process on how to apply for permits with the City of Miami to ensure you meet all regulatory requirements with ease. Business, water and sewer bill, letter of intent, copy of license of previous use and any other documents you may have to assist in the review. Student must enroll in the new school within ten (10) school days of notice.